Continuing with their pledge to promote good health for all ages through activity, the Run Merrickville organization donated $1,000.00 to the Merrickville Soccer Club.

Run Merrickville executive members Sally MacInnis and Lori Reynolds met Merrickville Soccer Club president Nancy Watkins and some of the players at the community centre soccer fields Thursday, 25 July 2019 for a brief cheque presentation ceremony.She said the money is welcome and will be put to good use doing improvements to the soccer fields.

On hand for the photo were Sally MacInnis, Lori Reynolds, Nancy Watkins and players Liam Murphy (U7), Eva Cardinal (U5), Elise Boomhouwer (U10) and Jake Watkins (U13/15).

Following the presentation Reynolds said, “it is one of our greatest pleasures to be able to give back to our community!”
Both Run Merrickville and the Merrickville Soccer Club are run by volunteers and promote physical activity in the community.